On April 5, 2022, voters living in the Hallsville School District will be asked to approve the issuance of $6 million in general obligation bonds. The bond proceeds will be combined with funds saved by the district to construct new classrooms at Hallsville Middle School, an athletics track at the football stadium, and complete other campus improvements and repairs.
The $6 million generated through bond sales will be used in combination with capital projects reserve fund balances to:
complete the first step of a multiple-phase replacement of the aging Hallsville Middle School, adding 8 new classrooms and an Information Technology room to support learning technology and the district’s one-to-one mobile device initiative.
provide a tornado-rated storm shelter to house students of the middle and high schools.
add an 8-lane athletic track to the stadium complex, and complete other stadium facility improvements.
complete additional campus repairs, renovations, and improvements.