Commit to VOTE YES on Proposition B in support of our schools.
The most important thing each of us can do is pledge support to provide the resources needed to preserve a quality education to the children of Hallsville. A yes vote will ensure our facilities meet the demands of our growing student enrollment and community.
Speak with your friends and family about why these projects are needed.
The most powerful recommendations come from the people we know and trust. Take the time to educate others in our community about the schools’ needs and how these projects will support our children and their futures. Use the information resources provided on this web site to educate others on how they can support our schools.
Sign up to canvass and spread the word about Prop B.
Volunteers will canvass the community on the three Saturdays leading to the election. Dates are Saturday, 3/19, 3/26, and 4/2. You can sign up to canvas here: https://www.
Sign up to pass out flyers at events and spread the word about Prop B. There are multiple on-campus events coming up where a large group of people from the community will be attending. This involves handing out flyers to people as they come into the events. We will provide the flyers for you! Sign up to hand out flyers here: https://www.
Like our Facebook page for always-up-to-date information.
If you are a Facebook user, our page will deliver important information on meetings, events, and resources straight to your news feed. The Facebook page can be found here. Be sure to like and share our posts in order to maximize our visibility on Facebook.
Attend All Indians Committee meetings and join a work group.
The organizational meeting of the committee took place on February 22. Our next meeting is scheduled for 6:00 PM on Tuesday, March 8 at Red Top Church. Volunteers are needed to help raise funds, order signs and other materials, and canvass the community to answer voter questions. Please attend our meetings if you are interested in the success of our schools through the passage of Proposition B; bring your likeminded friends!
Additional Meeting Dates: Red Top Church, 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, March 8
Tuesday, March 15
Monday, March 21
Order a sign to place in your yard as a show of support.
Yard signs demonstrate the level of community support for our schools and their education. A sign in front of your home lets your neighbors know that you care about our children and their success. We need as many households as possible to proudly and publicly demonstrate their commitment. A request form will be available soon to order a yard sign!
Download our informational documents and share them.
These informational documents can be shared with your friends, family, and neighbors. Pass them along electronically or print and distribute.
FAQ Data Sheet (Coming Soon)
Infographic Postcard (Coming soon)
Project Images (Click for larger image)